Sunday 24 January 2016


Hey there! How are you? It's been a long time since I last wrote a post! Though I'm sure no one noticed haha.
Real life of course takes precedence, and honestly I just haven't felt like writing one. A lot has been going on, good things and not so good things, but I'm happy enough and plodding along!
Work has been a challenge as since September I've been supporting a new child and soon my role will be changing yet again, but I'm looking forward to the variety it will hopefully bring. I have been looking at job sites now and then but at the same time as wanting more hours/pay I'm reluctant to give up my holidays! Is this bad?!
Christmas and New Year was lovely and marked 1 year of being engaged. Planning is still pretty much non existent  but I have started saving and have made a rough guest list, in addition to my pinterest and occasionally online browse for venues. Maybe soon I'll be ready to go to some open days and viewings!
I don't really make New Year resolutions but I'm going to make an effort to manage my money better and eat better. The usual really! Me and Stu both want to lose some pudge and hopefully eating better will lead to spending less money on junk food.
A short post for now but hopefully I'll be back soon!


  1. Glad to see you are enjoying life, and how time flies! Hope you are well and post soon xox

  2. Looking forward to reading more posts from you! I didn't even know you got engaged (shows how long my blogging break was haha). Belated congratulations!! Xx
